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Book Panels
A significant portal to a photographer’s work is through book publication. It is not possible that one could travel to see a lot of original photographic work in public or private exhibition spaces. Some museums might show a few contemporary photographers’ work, but most at best exhibit photography done by the departed.
The photographic book format offers a unique presentation of photography unmatched even by the best gallery spaces. A book is autonomous within itself, each turn of a page presenting two facing pages which allows juxtaposition of images. It allows one image on the right facing page, usually read first, to be the protagonist and the opposing image to answer its content-whimsically with meaning, tone and grace as the antagonist.
Taking the concept of the juxtaposition of facing pages in a book one step further would be to print all the images with their corresponding facing pages into one large panel. The three panels shown below have been booked from three projects in the last three years, “Twenty Square Photographs,” “Mostly Mornings” and “Photography.”
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