Sunset Boulevard
Personal Narratives 12.28.2013 – 04.28.2014 SDSU Downtown Gallery @ Broadway/Kettner
- My Sunset Boulevard Triptych will be on display until April 28, 2014 at the SDSU Downtown Gallery. Sunset Boulevard consist of three panels each holding a grid of 30 images and was shot in 2012 on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles, California.
- Sunset Boulevard is a four-lane ribbon of asphalt which connects diverse cultures and neighborhoods together. Sunset starts in the Barrio as East Cesar Chavez Avenue (Old Sunset), then northward to the bourgeoisie enclaves of coffee shops and boutiques. And after a dogleg bend in its path, boutiques are replaced with skyscrapers casting shadows on the street-life below; until the ribbon of Broken Dreams finishes with the glamor of ”The Strip.“
Craig Carlson, Sunset Boulevard
- Accompanying the Sunset Boulevard piece at SDSU Downtown Gallery is a 24 page folio which carries my blogs and selected images from my website while shooting in 2012. The folio has additional photography which I shot in 2013 while preparing the publication and was printed by Emagine Digital, I want to thank Katie Stapko for help with design and typography and March Aguilera, of Emagine Digital for guiding the Sunset Boulevard folio through prepress and printing on the Indigo press (Emagine is an amazing and dynamic printing business placing graphics and images on any substrate imaginable).
Sunset Boulevard by Craig Carlson PDF Download
“Echoes Under Sunset,” Near Reservoir & Glendale Boulevard
- All Content ©Copyright Craig Carlson 2014 All Rights Reserved